PB&J or BLT? Before you answer that question you’ll want to listen in on today’s show. You guessed it! Today’s the return of Len Penzo’s annual Sandwich Survey. We’re mixing the costs of going back to school, nutrition, and a little inflation talk all into one discussion. Turns out you can learn quite a bit from comparing the rising (or falling) costs of sandwiches year-to-year. Who knew that the economics of lunch could be so fun?
And if you’re not particular towards any particular sandwich, we’re also bringing the sauce in our headlines. First up? If you’re a homeowner you could be sitting on a record amount of cash. Maybe you’re not a homeowner? We’ve got you covered too in our second headline… we’ll be looking at some new loan programs targeting homebuyers with 3% down or less.
We’ll also have time to answer Doug’s trivia, listen in on a Haven Life Line call from our basement friend Lee, AND still get around to a listener letter.
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Thanks also to our favorite browser extension Honey for supporting Stacking Benjamins. Signup for FREE with joinhoney.com/SB.
Show Notes:
<> Open
Compare checking, savings, credit cards, and loans before switching. Magnify Money makes it super easy to compare, switch and save.
Thanks to Honey for supporting Stacking Benjamins. Signup for FREE with joinhoney.com/SB
<4:13> Headlines
- Homeowners are sitting on a record amount of cash — and not tapping it (CNBC)
- New loan programs target home buyers with just 3% down—or less (MarketWatch)
<17:16> Len Penzo
Check out Len’s site at: LenPenzo.com
Follow Len Penzo on Twitter: @LenPenzo
<37:30> Doug’s Trivia
- What type of bread was eaten most in 2017 in the USA?
<42:37> Haven Life Line
Need life insurance? You could be insured in 20 minutes or less and build your family’s safety net for the future. Use StackingBenjamins.com/HavenLife to calculate how much you need and apply.
- Our good friend Lee (from BaldThoughts!) recently left his job. Regarding his HSA, what’s the best thing he should with his flexible spending account?
<46:47> Letters
- Jeff writes in with a point or two about OG’s comment on small caps.
Need help with your financial plan? Use this link to schedule a meeting with OG: StackingBenjamins.com/OG
Join us Wednesday!
Rounding out our roundtable this week (and giving OG a little break), from RichLife Advisors, is Beau Henderson.
And during our FinTech segment, we’re ringing up Acorns co-founder, Walter Cruttenden. Walter’s already made one great piece of Fintech, and it looks like he’s bringing it with his newest project: Blast.
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