What if you could talk about inflation in a way that actually hit home? Today we’ll do just that by talking about the cost of a brown bag lunch sandwich. What does a sandwich cost and how has it changed over time? Len Penzo has been comparing the prices of brown bag sandwiches for twelve years, and for seven of those we’ve been tracking it on the show with him. Today’s show is one long-time fans will know and love, and one that we hope our new listeners won’t miss… it’s our annual fan-favorite: the Len Penzo Sandwich Survey. How much has the cost of making classic sandwiches increased year over year? What sandwich gets you the most bite for your buck? We’ll compare baloney, PB&J, turkey and swiss, the BLT, and more.
Plus, is your neighborhood restaurant going to stay a little quieter for good? During our headlines segment of the show, we’ll dive into a piece detailing how more than half of businesses that closed on Yelp during the pandemic are shutting their doors permanently. In our second piece, Jim from the Route to Retire blog has found his Panama retirement dream ending sooner than expected after the pandemic hit. What should you do if you find your retirement going off track during YEAR ONE?
Later in the show, instead of answering a listener voicemail during the Haven Life Line, we’ll use a blog piece covering what financial information you should have learned so far in 2020. This year has been full of lessons, and you’ll want to make sure you haven’t missed any.
As always, we’ll make sure and save some time for Doug’s trivia. Enjoy!
A big thanks to our sponsors who keep this show running three days a a week. Today’s show is sponsored by Fiverr and the Jordan Harbinger Show.
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Jordan Harbinger Show
Thanks to the Jordan Harbinger show for sponsoring this episode of Stacking Benjamins! You can subscribe wherever you already listen to us, or over at JordanHarbinger.com/Subscribe.
Today’s Headlines:
The big takeaway for both of our headlines today? Plan, Plan, Plan! You can’t account for everything, but having a solid plan for emergencies can keep you afloat when it matters most.
55% of businesses closed on Yelp have shut down for good during the coronavirus pandemic (MarketWatch)
- Businesses have had it rough this year. Let’s be honest, during a normal year, businesses (especially restaurants), operate on a slim margin between success and failure. Throw in big external challenges and the worst can happen. While it’s one thing to happen to businesses, it’s another thing to happen to YOU as an individual. It’s important to have an emergency fund that you rely on.
Is Our Retirement in Panama Unexpectedly Over? (Route To Retire)
- Even the best planned strategies and ideas come with problems once reality hits. Of course that’s not normally a global pandemic… but things come up! The important thing is that like even on the route to retirement, you need back-up plans and an emergency fund in place if things go sideways.
Len Penzo: 12 Annual Sandwich Survey
A big thanks to Len Penzo for sharing the results of his sandwich survey with us! Len has been conducting his survey for 12 years now, and has shared his results on our show for 7 of those years. While we love all of our special annual episodes, this one holds a special place in Mom’s basement.
You can read up on Len’s survey yourself on his blog: My 12th Annual Cost Survey of 10 Popular Brown Bag Sandwiches
Doug’s Trivia
- In 1793 a very famous museum opened its doors. The museum is now the most visited museum in the world. What museum is it?
- Instead of throwing out the Haven Life Line to one particular caller, we’re using today’s segment for everyone. What should you have learned financially in 2020 so far? Here’s the blog post we’ll be using today: What we’ve learned about money in 2020
Join Us Friday!
Written by: Richie Rutter-Reese
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