Want great ways to help learn about money and finance? We’ll share five ideas on today’s show, from the floor of BoardGameGeek.con convention in Dallas, Texas. Joe sits down with Mark Johnson from the Board Games To Go podcast, and they also answer listener questions about games. You’ll find some great, inexpensive fun ideas for the holidays on today’s podcast.
We also talk to Paul Vasey from Cash Crunch Games about his newest product: Cash Crunch Senior. We’ll talk about these games created by a teacher to help students grasp money and budgeting concepts, as well.
Thanks to MagnifyMoney.com for supporting Stacking Benjamins. Thanks also to HelloFresh.com for supporting Stacking Benjamins. Receive $30 off your first week of deliveries when you go to HelloFresh.com and use the offer code stacking30.
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Show Notes:
<> Open
Compare checking, savings, credit cards, and loans before switching. Magnify Money makes it super easy to compare, switch and save.
Hello Fresh
Thanks to Hello Fresh for supporting Stacking Benjamins. Receive $30 off your first week of deliveries when you go to HelloFresh.com and use the offer code stacking30.
<> Headlines
- Use Coin-Based Games to Teach Money Skills (The Balance)
<>Today’s Contributors
Say hello to Mark Johnson on Twitter: @BoardGamesToGo
Mark’s podcast: BoardGamesToGo (BoardGameGeek.com link)
Check out Board Game Geek for yourself: Board Game Geek
Games Mentioned On The Show:
Pandemic: Legacy (Season One):
<27:09> Cash Crunch Games
Talking about money and finances can be boring enough to endure as adults. So why do we expect young kids to be running around with the knowledge of Warren Buffet? The good thing is, learning about money doesn’t have to be painful for kids. This is where Cash Crunch Games comes in. Kids can gain some financial literacy, and have a little fun doing it too.
<38:45>Doug’s Trivia
- Who is the only President who was alive while featured on a minted coin?
<43:28> Letters From the Mailbag
Karen: Where does one look for board game recommendations that aren’t marketing ploys?
Spencer: Pandemic Legacy is a favorite board game for me and my wife to play after the kids go to bed. What are some other great cooperative games with a good story my wife and I can play together?
Kevin: What are some good two player board games?
Nikki: Which boardgames have translated excellently to digital format? What kid friendly games would you introduce an aspiring gaming family to (ages 5-12)? If you could only take two games to your next family gathering – what would they be?
Rory: I have one that the introvert in me has always wondered, are there any 1 person board games? Also what about the future of board games? Are they going to take a different direction due to technology changes that have shifted the dynamic of who is playing and what they are playing etc.?
<> Join Us Monday
We’ve enjoyed our holiday week of shows, but all good things must come to an end. (Maybe someone should have told Doug before his fifth plate of stuffing.) We’re kicking off a new week with the amazing Patrice Washington. Tune in!
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