Wake up January 1 with a hangover? Even if you didn’t “over-imbibe” on alcohol, there’s another hangover people suffer from: excess spending. Let’s make January a reset month if you overspent last year. As many financial gurus say, “Tomorrow is a new day” and you can decide that you want to grab the reins and control not just your debt but your money in general. Today we sit down with Brian Karimzad, CEO of Magnify Money, on all of the things you can do to make your debt cleanse a success.
During our headlines portion of the show, we’ll take a look at how the average 401k fared in 2019. Good, bad… great? If you didn’t do well with your retirement plan last year, how do you make a change to improve in 2020? We’ll share some ideas. Plus, during our second piece, we’ll examine the reason popular financial company Vanguard just eliminated even MORE trading fees.
That’s not all, though! We’ll throw out the Haven Life Line as well, and answer a voicemail from James who asks for investment advice. What do we think about James choosing top funds from different sectors to invest in? Is it a good strategy? Also, when he leaves the USA, what does he do with his retirement funds?
And of course, we’ll always save some time for Doug’s trivia.

Show Notes:
<> Headlines
- How Did the Average 401(k) Fare in 2019? (NAPA-Net)
- Vanguard eliminates trading fees for stocks and options (InvestmentNews)
<> Brian Karimzad

You can find more from Brian here: StackingBenjamins.com/MagnifyMoney
<> Doug’s Trivia
- Which of the following debt categories has the highest debt amount left behind, on average, when someone passes away: Auto loans, personal loans, student loans, or credit card debt?
<> Haven Life Line
- James calls in asking for investment advice. What do we think about him choosing top funds from different sectors to invest in? Is it a good strategy?
Want the guys to answer your question? You can call into the Haven Life Line and get your question answered on-air HERE.
Join us Wednesday!
We’ll be joined by Tim Rhode, author of Tribe of Millionaires.
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