Ever wish you had better habits? Whether you’re not getting out of bed for that morning run, or you stay up too late before an important meeting in the morning, or you can’t stop breaking the budget – we’ve all asked ourselves, “why did I do that AGAIN?” Dr. Joseph Cardillo, best-selling author of multiple books on the intersection of mindfulness and health not only knows the answer to that, he’s sharing the solution on today’s show! In his new book, 12 Rules of Attention, Dr. Cardillo goes through easy-to-follow steps on how you can stop bad habits in their tracks, AND how to trick your brain into establishing habits that’ll make you a superstar in whatever area of your life you wish to improve.
Britney Spears is back in the news. In our headlines segment we’ll review how her father has served as her conservator for twelve years (taking care of Spears’ money), and now the pop star wants him out. So, what does it mean to have a conservator? How can someone make sure everything is on the up-and-up? We’ll share that and recall one famous conservator horror story which saw one extremely rich widow fight homelessness. Plus, what’s a headlines segment without talking about money and video games? Today we’ll also cover the beef between Apple and Epic Games. It’s…wait for it…pretty….epic.
We’ll also throw out the Haven Life line today to listener Shane, who was notified by Turbotax that because he already contributes to his 401k, he won’t receive any tax benefit for his IRA. Shane asks: because he doesn’t receive a tax advantage now and he’s contributing post-tax money, will the money be tax-free when he withdraws it? Is there a good reason to keep contributing to his IRA?
As always, we’ll of course save some time for Doug’s trivia, who’s keeping his Independence Day questions going strong. Enjoy!
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Today’s Headlines:
- Britney Spears Breaks Silence, Tells Court She Wants Her Dad Removed From Being Her Conservator Of 12 Years (Bored Panda)
- Epic judge will protect Unreal Engine — but not Fortnite (The Verge)
Dr. Joseph Cardillo

A big thanks to Dr. Cardillo for sharing his insights on how to change your habits, and refocus on what’s important in life.
You can find more from Dr. Cardillo at his site: JosephCardillo.com
Want ALL 12 rules of attention? Order the book below!
Doug’s Trivia
- On this date in 1822, Brazil declared it’s independence from which country?
- Our caller was notified by Turbotax that because he already contributes to his 401k, he won’t receive any tax benefit for his IRA. Shane asks: because he doesn’t receive a tax advantage now, and he’s contributing post tax money, will the money be tax-free when he withdraws it? Is there a reason to keep contributing to his 401k? Should he move everything over to his Vanguard taxable account?
Want the guys to answer your question? You can call into the Haven Life Line and get your question answered on-air HERE.
Join Us Wednesday!
Feeling underworked or underpaid? Looking for something different in life? Before you jump into the gig economy join us Wednesday when we talk to Juliet Schor, author of the best-selling book, After The Gig.
Written by: Richie Rutter-Reese
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