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Natalie Sisson, the Suitcase Entrepreneur, joins us in the basement this week to teach us how to work from anywhere. Not interested in changing where you work? You’re in luck: she also shares many tips to help you plan your next international travel adventure.
Robert Farrington of The College Investor joins Dominique Brown and Len Penzo on this week’s roundtable to help new college freshman with as many tips as we had time to discuss. Hoping to make it through college successfully? This is the episode for you. Have children that you hope to help through college? Again, this is probably a great segment for you to hear.
PK tackles overseas investments this week. Should you be investing more in different countries? You might be surprised by PK’s response.
Joe & OG discuss Google Glass and a new Fidelity app for the product, tell you how to win Jeff Rose’s new book, and discuss Elysium and We’re the Millers.
As always, more complete show notes will appear here throughout the day Monday.
<> Open
<> Our affiliate:
<> Michigan Bonds…a good idea?
<> Google Glass
<> Natalie Sisson, The Suitcase Entrepreneur
Natalie’s book on (our affiliate link):The Suitcase Entrepreneur: Create freedom in business and adventure in life
Natalie’s site: The Suitcase Entrepreneur
<> PK’s Fractional Sense: Overseas Investing
<> Let’s Give Something Away
<> Shortwave Roundtable: Robert Farrington, Len Penzo and Dominique Brown discuss tips every college freshman should know.
Robert’s article at The College Investor: 101 Essential Tips & Resources for College Freshmen
Robert’s $500 giveaway: Get Started Investing $500 Cash Giveaway
At Len Penzo’s site: 14 Reasons Monitored Home Security Systems Are For Suckers
At Dominique Brown’s site: Guess How Much Passive Income We Made In July?
Nick Loper’s Side Hustle Nation Podcast episode with Robert Farrington
<> End Show:
We’re the Millers
Is location independence coming back? Crap. I was hoping I was done having to listen to the “work from a beach in Thailand” crowd.
At least, now I have a comeback. My job may not be location independent, but how many people can say that their employer sent them to Vail for the weekend?
Is it coming back? Not sure it ever went away and I hope it continues to become more mainstream because I’m not sure why anyone thought staying in the same place, same office and four walls all day every day was ever a good idea for creativity, connectivity and a global perspective. You sound like you have a good employer. Next step is to get them to let you work from there during the week and take some time off too
My statement about Vail was a joke. I am a flagger for road construction. My job is, by definition, very location-dependent. I go where I’m sent each day. For one weekend, that was Vail. And I get about 4 months of unpaid vacation every year. Very little road work happens between December and March!
Joe! I loved Elysium! I walked in with very high expectations (which is never good) b/c the director’s previous film District 9 was so good. (I also rewatched Oblivion this weekend and I think that film gives you a lot to think about). Anyhow, Elysium is great to look at, and I like his social commentary. There are a lot of “holes”, so it’s odd that it doesn’t fully live up to District 9.
It’s funny to me your thoughts on Foster’s character. I don’t like how people that hate right-wingers so much try to make them into complete caricatures. It really did take away from the film–I was expecting more from her. Maybe she was trying too hard for her own social commentary?
Still, I think watching Elysium should give people something to talk about regarding class warfare, healthcare access, and immigration.
BTW-Natalie’s accent is awesome. Also, it is interesting she broke her books into “acts.” I’m looking at right now!
Hey Todd thanks! I think I must have a love for theatre as there’s no real reasoning behind the acts at all but I like them! Let me know what you think of Flightfox too
Hi Natalie! I have a question about getting a US airmiles credit card without being a resident, do you have a SSN and a friend’s address where you forward their correspondence or just opened it on a tourism trip? Also you say you are glad to pay the ATM fees to withdraw money abroad, I have a $0 fee card, I think in the US Schwab offers one and they have great referrals. You say take out the maximum money so the % of fee is lower but thanks to the $0 card you can withdraw $20 at a time and be safe instead of walking around with a ton of cash.
Had a great time chatting this week! Thanks for including me!
It was fun. Sometimes I’m not sure if we have more fun while taping or when the recorder has turned off!