On today’s show we’re talking about tech toys. What’s hot this season? We get the answer from CNET’s Bridget Carey.
But that’s not all, we talk about active vs. passive investing, an interesting Roth IRA questions from a listener, Doug’s trivia, and more!
Thanks to SoFi and MagnifyMoney.com for sponsoring our podcast!
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Show Notes:
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- Active v Passive? The Unexpected Winner (Financial Planning)
- 5 Tips to Save Money During the Holidays (USAA)
<>Bridget Carey: CNET
Website: CNET
Bridget’s latest post: Get over your ex with Facebook, Adele and robot cats
<>Doug’s Trivia
- Which television technology came first, plasma or LCD?
- Justin: What do I do with my Roth when I marry someone with a higher income?
- Megan: Why did the mortgage calculator say I could afford less of a house when we got rid of student loans? (Answer: try Magnify Money instead!)
<>The Big So What
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