Gold….is it a great hedge? We take a listener letter about gold and not only talk about the shiny metal, but also about other hedges. Are there better ideas out there? We discuss today.
Lance Armstrong lost a $10M judgement (which you may have read about already). We’re some of the only nerd who immediately ask, “What’s the tax on that bill?” Our roundtable talks all things distracted driving,
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<> My Dad’s Shortwave Roundtable
Hedges other than gold
<> Letters
Gold as hedge
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Jupiter Ascending
Instability in the Middle East due to low oil prices (@ 17:45)? Source?
And don’t says ISIS, they were building up long before oil prices dropped.
Did you reach a conclusion on the argument between Paula and Greg on drink driving vs text driving?
It seems like the stats especially among teens supports Paula’s side.