Kris Monaco from ISE ETF Ventures joins us….they’re a firm that creates the indexes firms use to market brand new exchange traded funds (ETFs). How are they made? Does a client show up and ask for an index to copy? Does Kris and his team go find people to buy index ideas they have? We’ll talk all things exchange traded funds on today’s show.

Also, the Evil HR Lady, Suzanne Lucas, talks about why it might be a good idea to hire someone who’s been fired from another job. It’s an interesting segment that gives the other side of being fired (and as a guy who’s been fired, I totally agree with her point!).
In our headlines, Joe & OG discuss a Time magazine article sent to us by listener Deanna called If You Want To Retire In The Next 5 Years Do These Things Now. Do we agree with the points? We tackle the last five years before retirement AND more news from target date funds on today’s podcast.
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<> – Head to when comparing your checking, savings and credit cards. Thanks to MagnifyMoney for sponsoring our podcast!
<4:20>Newsreel Headlines
If You Want To Retire In The Next 5 Years Do These Things Now (Time)
Few Target Date Fund Managers Eat Their Own Cooking (Investment News)
<13:10>Â How are Exchange Traded Funds Born? with Kris Monaco from ISE ETF Ventures
PureFunds ISE Cyber Security ETF
ISE Revere Wal-Mart Supplier Index
<36:20> What’s New In HR? with the Evil HR Lady, Suzanne Lucas
Check out Suzanne’s website –
<> Your Letters
–Â Canadian Real Estate Idea
<> End Show/Movies/Television
– Maron
– The Wrong Mans
– Orange is the New Black Season 2
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