Being financially prudent is one thing, but when does saving money cross the line into being extremely, and possibly even grossly, frugal? Helping us answer these questions are today’s special guests: from the Mr. Fi Guy blog, it’s Mr. Fi (or as his friends call him…Taylor); from the Fire Drill Podcast, we welcome Gwen Mertz; and from this here podcast, we welcome our very own OG.
Halfway through the show we’ll take a little break to talk to Jason Brown from Tally. Making the decision to get on the road to financial freedom is a good one, and paying off credit cards and debt can be a major road block. We’ll sit down with Jason doing our FinTech segment and see just how his company is setting out to help people climb out of debt.
And of course, we’ll still have take some time to throw out the Haven Life Line to Joe, who wants to retire in the next few years. There’s just one problem: Joe has no goals for retirement life. Can we throw some resources his way so he can figure out what he wants to do?
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Show Notes:
<> Open
Compare checking, savings, credit cards, and loans before switching. Magnify Money makes it super easy to compare, switch and save.
<6:30> Headlines
- 8 extremely frugal living ideas you probably haven’t considered (Rockstar Finance)
<> Our Contributors
Check out his site:
Find him on Twitter: @mrfiguy
Gwen Mertz
Check out Gwen’s site at:
Say hi to Gwen on Twitter: @FieryMillennial
Do you need some more financial help from OG outside of the show? Follow our link, to get some one-on-one help from the man himself.
<33:18> MeetTally
Check them out for yourself:
Follow Tally on Twitter: @meettally
<44:55> Doug’s Trivia
- What year was Hugh Jackman born?
<51:20> Voicemail
Today’s voicemail is brought to you by the Stacker, our (nearly) weekly newsletter. Be up to date with the latest from the basement
- Joe just turned 60. He wants to retire or semi-retire in the next couple of years. The problem is, he doesn’t have any clearly defined goals. What resources are available to help Joe define his goals?
Need help with your financial plan? Use this link to schedule a meeting with OG:
Randy @ Emusements
I enjoyed your discussion of extreme frugality ideas. A better idea than raising your own farm animals would be to stop eating meat altogether (to save money and improve your health, not to mention the animal welfare and environmental benefits). My cat, Milo, overheard the show and got all FIREd up about the topic of frugality. In reaction, he has written a post to explain his “7 Pillars of Feline Frugality”. See: