Emily Guy Birken joins us to talk retirement…and how YOU can absolutely crush the most important years of retirement planning. What do you need to know? Whether you’re 25 or 75, there’s great information for you (even if you AREN’T five years from retirement….).
PK is back with another analogy….last time it was baseball so today it’s golf. You’ll love it. Joe & OG share headlines and answer a great listener letter from Andi about spousal IRAs and investing.
Doug has trivia, OG reviews a television series (Sons of Anarchy). Hear that Jana Lynch?
<> Open
< 2:15 > StackingBenjamins.com/Amazon
< 3:26 > Headlines
What are the top reasons for failed retirement? From NAPA
“Detroit fights misinformation about cuts”- also from NAPA
“Gold bugs dreamy TF offers a hedge against financial apocalypse”
< 11:49 > Emily Guy Birken
“We as americans tend to define ourselves as what we do for a living.” – Emily
“A depressingly high number of people have less than $10,000 in retirement.” – Emily
< 33:36 > PK’s Fractional Sense
“You are your own worse enemy”
“Most people are worse at investing and golf then they say they are.”
< 38:18 > Letters
< 42:10 > End Show/Movies
OG reviews Sons of Anarchy
Interested in buying Emily’s book? Find it here:
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