Afraid of insurance? Our roundtable today can help ease your fears. Why? Today we feature three top bloggers on this topic: one an average dad, another a human resource expert and the third…a guy in the industry. Â You’ll have all three points of view when it comes to whether you should buy insurance, and if so, how to figure out how much and the right time to own it, on this special episode.
On our Freshbooks FinTech segment we talk to Carla Dearing, CEO of SUM180, where you can build a financial plan now and interact with experienced financial advisors later, if you want to proceed.
Thanks to SoFi and for sponsoring our podcast!
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Show Notes:
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<>Today’s Roundtable Contributors/Our Topics
Sandy Smith
Check out Sandy’s site at: Yes I am Cheap
Say hi to Paula:Â @yesiamcheap
Chris Huntley
Check out Chris’ site at: Insurance Blog by Chris
Say hi to Chris on Twitter:Â @mrchrishuntley
Ty Roberts
Check our Ty’s site: Get Rich QuickishÂ
Drop on line on Ty’s Twitter:Â @GetRichQuickish
Our Topics
- 3 Ill-Advised Reasons Not to Buy Life Insurance (U.S. News & World Report)
- 4 Steps to Take Before You Buy Life Insurance (AJC)
- 5 types of insurance you probably don’t need (MarketWatch)
<31:14> Our Freshbooks FinTech Segment:Â Sum180
Check out Freshbooks FREE 30 day trial using this link. (Remember to write Stacking Benjamins in the “how did you hear about us” area!)
Today’s Freshbooks Focus Company:Â Sum180
Our guest from Sum180Â is Carla Dearing, CEO.
Say hello to the group at Sum180Â on Twitter:Â @mysum180
<> Join Us Monday
Martin Small at US iShares BlackRock is making a trip to the basement.
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