Over 200,000 people have taken Tiffany Aliche’s Live Richer Challenge, and today she’s on the show talking budgets, effective money management, plugging money holes, and some amazing success stories. Daryl asks us about hiring a financial advisor, Evan calls the Quotacy hotline about withdrawing money from his tax sheltered plans in retirement, and Joe’s mom’s neighbor Doug finds some family secrets….
Of course there’s all that and much, much more! Thanks to MagnifyMoney.com and SoFi for sponsoring our podcast.
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Show Notes:
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From student loans to personal loans and mortgages, lower your interest rate with a strategy involving SoFi. You need a good credit score to qualify.
Compare checking, savings, credit cards, and loans before switching. Magnify Money makes it super easy to compare, switch and save.
- Excessive Fee Litigation Hits Education Sector (Napa-Net)
- What technology lessons advisors can learn from Delta Air Line’ system breakdown (Investment News)
<17:06>Tiffany Aliche – The Budgetnista
Tiffany’s website and challenge:Â thebudgetnista.com
Take the challenge: LiveRicherChallenge.com
<37:57>Doug’s Trivia
- How much will the average student spend on back to school shopping?
<43:27>Quotacy Hotline
- Evan asks about taking money out of his Roth account.
<51:14> Letters
- Daryl – How to find a good financial advisor?
<> Join us Friday
Financial writers Len Penzo and Paula Pant discuss three current financial stories….AND
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