Daniel Lieser, co-founder of Trustleaf.com, a company that helps facilitate family and friend loans to small business owners, joins us this week. Should you loan money to your brother in law who has a great business idea? Historically you’d answer, “hell, no!”, but Daniel and his partner have a great solution that can help the chances your brother in law succeeds and helps protect your investment.
Interested in borrowing from friends? Go to trustleaf.com to build your business plan.
Our new movie contributor, James Moore is back, this time discussing Cold in July. Joe & OG field an exciting letter from a lottery winner.
<> Open
< 1: 38 > StackingBenjamins.com/Amazon
Total Money Makeover is a great financial book that we would suggest if you’re figuring out how to budget.
< 2:33 > Headlines
“Americans still don’t have enough savings” – USA TODAY
“Family feuds are complicated by wealth” – InvestmentNews
< 11:44 > Daniel Lieser, Trustleaf
“If they’re less than two years old, they won’t qualify for most small business loan”
“Even after going through the process, you have an 82% chance of being rejected.”
“You shouldn’t be lending so much that it’s do or die.”
“There’s no magic question to find out if a business will succeed or fail.”
< 40:30 > Letters
Dave from The School of Podcasting sends us a funny letter about finding our podcast.
< 48:40 > End/Movies
James Moore – Cold in July
Clarisse @ Make Money Your Way
For me, borrowing money from your family or friends is not bad if you have a valid reason and if you will use it properly. But I have a close cousin that always borrowed money from me. He even asked money from me because he needs to buy a medicine for his daughter or he needs to buy something and it really pisses me off.
Medicine might not upset me, but buying something for himself? Yeah….I’m not interested.