After winning the lottery, would you go for a straight-out check OR the lifetime income stream? While people will decide which is their BEST choice pretty quickly, do you have the right information to make that choice? Today we sit down with the CEO of Saber Pension and Actuarial Services, Brent Henningson to talk not just lottery, but maybe also pensions, annuities, and life settlements. Wait a minute? Is the annuity thing just a smokescreen so we’d pay attention to something that’s important but maybe not that interesting? Maybe so, but however we get you to the table, these are decisions with thousands of dollars on the table and you can’t afford to make the wrong choice.
Plus, is day trading easier than being a long term investor? We’ll have some fun diving into why the Barstool Sports founder claims he is a better investor than Warren Buffet, and that day trading is “the easiest” game there is. David Portnoy is ALWAYS good for a quote or two. In the second half of our headlines segment, we’ll share one list explaining why the RV life might not be the golden dream people are expecting. Even in retirement… informed planning is half the battle.
During our Haven Life Line will answer a call from military dentist Joe (not our Joe, of course), who will be separating from service next year to pursue specialty training. While he’s going through classes his only planned income will come from the GI bill. Joe’s two questions are, one: can he still contribute to his IRA during his education with no taxable income? If not, would working a few days a month make him eligible? Two: he is currently maxing his Roth TSP account. Should he drop his contribution amount to get more liquidity before leaving service?
As always, we’re saving some time for Doug’s trivia.
Show Notes:
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- Barstool Sports founder believes he’s a better investor than Warren Buffett and has determined day trading is ‘the easiest game’ there is (MarketWatch)
- 13 Reasons You Will Regret an RV in Retirement (Kiplinger)
Brent Henningson: Pensions, Annuities, Life Settlements and More
You can find more from Brent at his site:
Doug’s Trivia
- How long, in minutes, is the average American’s commute?
Haven Life Line
- Caller Joe rang in looking for some insight on investing without a major source of income. Joe is a military dentist that’ll be separating from service next year to pursue specialty training. He’ll be using a mix of stipends and his GI bill to cover living costs. Will he still be able to contribute to his IRAs with the stipend being their only income? He’ll work a few days a month to qualify if necessary. In addition, he is currently maximizing his contributions to his Roth TSP. Should Joe decrease his contributions to save up more liquid cash?
Want the guys to answer your question? You can call into the Haven Life Line and get your question answered on-air HERE.
Join Us Friday
Is there really such a thing as good debt? Our roundable, including special guest Lance Cothern, will share their thoughts on when you’re doing okay… and when you need to pay off that debt ASAP. Plus, thinking about renting out homes? We’ll talk to home rental expert and founder of the Nest Egg app, Eachan Fletcher, on how you can keep up with the professionals.
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