Have you had trouble getting the people around you to understand the importance of saving, investing, and planning? Maybe you’re having trouble connecting with people on their level or it’s difficult to have a meaningful, lasting conversation? Worse yet, and on a much wider scope…maybe you don’t understand current events and why things are happening. Today we’re diving into a piece from the Harvard Business Review that suggests there’s a key piece that could be missing in your relationships: curiosity. Our roundtable will help us figure out the why behind your questions about what others are doing…and includes our friend from the financial blog Tread Lightly, Retire Early, Angela Rozmyn; Len Penzo from the LenPenzo.com blog, and our very own OG.
After our awesome (if we don’t say so ourselves…) empathy discussion, we’ll give our roundtable a break while we chat with the founder of a new money-tracking solution. Between breaking your spending down into searchable categories, automatic bill and subscription detection, and budget capabilities, the Copilot app has a lot going for it. We’ll chat with founder Andres Ugarte during our Friday Fintech segment to get the inside scoop.
Plus, do you remember the first time you had to buy home essentials on your own? (“What??? Bacon cost THAT much!?”) During our MagnifyMoney segment, we’ll dive into some of the responses to our Twitter poll: What’s something you didn’t realize how expensive it was until you had to start buying it yourself? Here’s one from the home team: shredded cheese (more than I thought it would cost anyway), cleaning supplies, and of course… going out to eat multiple times a week. KA-CHING!
Show Notes:
Today’s Focus Topic: Empathy and Curiosity
- Empathy Starts with Curiosity (Harvard Business Review)
- A special thanks to Piggy for reading today’s piece! You can find more from her at the Bitches Get Riches blog.
Our Contributors:
Angela Rozmyn

A big thank you to Angela for being a part of our panel today. You can find more from Angela at her blog: TreadLightlyRetireEarly.com
Paula Pant

Check Out Paula’s site and amazing podcast: AffordAnything.com
Follow Paula on Twitter: @AffordAnything

For more on OG and his firm’s page, click here.
Our Friday Fintech Company: CoPilot

Thanks to Andres Ugarte for giving us some insight into how he tracks his money! You can check out more at his site: Copilot.money
Doug’s Trivia
- The oldest still operating bar in Arizona was established in what year?
MagnifyMoney Question
- We were curious about people’s first experiences with buying things on their own, so we took to Twitter with a poll. Here was the question we asked: What’s something you didn’t realize how expensive it was until you had to start buying it yourself? We’ll have fun reading a few of the responses, and hearing some of our own panel’s answers.
Want the guys to answer your question? You can call into the Haven Life Line and get your question answered on-air HERE.
Join us Monday!
Do you know you could be leaving behind thousands of dollars behind when you’re buying or selling a home? We’ll talk to Marin County California’s top real estate pro, Tracy McLaughlin to find out just what people are doing wrong.
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