Have you checked in with your health lately? Stacking those Benjamins is awesome but it means nothing if your health holds you back from doing the things you enjoy in life. Our guest today shares an incredible story of the scary moment she realized she was constantly running at full speed ahead. Dr. Amy Shah joins us to share that story and her journey to better overall health. She explains how hormones, sleep and overall gut health contribute to every aspect of our lives.
During our headline segment, we talk to Dr. Brooke Struck from The Decision Lab about consumer spending habits, specifically millennials. Are millennials’ spending habits different from other generations and what struggles do they face that other generations might not have? Dr. Brooke Struck shares his research findings. We also answer a question from our basement Facebook group about HSA’s and Doug shares his trivia.
Our Headline
- Dr. Brooke Struck from The Decision Lab joined us to talk about millennial spending habits. It’s not just for millennials though, these can apply to almost everyone.

Dr. Amy Shah

Big thanks to Dr. Amy Shah for joining us today. To learn more about Amy, visit her website. Grab a copy of her book I’m So Effing Tired: A Proven Plan to Beat Burnout, Boost Your Energy, and Reclaim Your Life.
Doug’s Trivia
- What was the original name for Excel?

Need life insurance? You could be insured in 20 minutes or less and build your family’s safety net for the future. Use StackingBenjamins.com/HavenLife to calculate how much you need and apply.
- Mike wants to know if there’s any reason to NOT choose an HSA if you are eligible for one.
Want more than just the show notes? How about our new newsletter with STACKS of related, deeper links?
- Check out The 201, our email that comes with every Monday and Wednesday episode, PLUS a list of more than 19 of the top money lessons Joe’s learned over his own life about money. From credit to cash reserves, and insurances to investing, we’ll tackle all of these. Head to StackingBenjamins.com/the201 to sign up (it’s free and we will never give away your email to others).
Other Mentions
Written by: Brooke Miller
Miss our last show? Listen here: Avoid The Next Scam: Former Cult Member Shows You How
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