Do you know any kids already bored with summer? Know someone who needs some help breaking down basic finance for the kiddos? You’re in luck because today we’re talking kids and money. Joining us today, from the National Bank of Mom, is our new friend Maggie. …and back for another round, from FamZoo, we welcome Bill Dwight. And rounding out our roundtable, from, we welcome Connie Albers. They’ll talk about many ideas to brighten your summer and help your children grasp money concepts at the same time. It’ll make a better summer for both them AND you.
Don’t have children? We thought about you, too, and invited Kate Ryan from TIAA to join us to share tips for grandparents, aunts, uncles, and money savvy friends. We’ll talk about everything from sharing money stories to helping a child start a summer business or save a few dollars.
Of course, we’ll answer a three-oh call for help to the Blooom hotline. Nicole wants to take her family on a vacation. What are the best places to be consider, and what should she be watching out for?
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Show Notes:
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Thanks to Slack for supporting Stacking Benjamins. Slack: Where work happens. Go to to learn more.
Compare checking, savings, credit cards, and loans before switching. Magnify Money makes it super easy to compare, switch and save.
- Looking for ways to help build your kids credit? Check out this post on Magnify Money: 7 Ways for College Students to Build Credit
- 5 Fun Ways to Teach Kids About Money (Kiplinger)
<>Today’s Contributors
Bill Dwight
Check out the site:
Find Bill on Twitter: @FamZoo
Take a look at Maggie’s site:
Follow Maggie on Twitter: @natbankofmom
Connie Albers
Check out Connie’s site:
You can find Connie on social media at the following:
- Facebook:
- Twitter: @connielalbers
- Instagram:
- Pinterest:
<28:24> Help for Grandparents, Aunts and Uncles from TIAA:

Looking for more on college savings?
Check out the site:
Follow TIAA on twitter: @TIAA
<45:15>Doug’s Trivia
- How many words does the average 6 year old understand?
<52:52> Oh, Oh, Oh, I Need Money Help!
Thanks to Blooom for supporting Stacking Benjamins. Get a one month free at and enter promo code SB for a month free!
- Anon wants to take her family on a vacation. What are the best places to be consider, and what should she be watching out for?
<> Join Us Monday
[…] participated in a round table discussion on the Stacking Benjamins podcast about family vacations. (Listen here!) I had more to say on the topic and it’s a great time to start planning your next vacation, […]