It’s the devil’s month…..October. The time when leaves change colors and families gather around the campfire to warm themselves from the autumn wind, pop marshmallows on a stick for s’mores, and tell ghost stories.
We don’t want to leave you empty handed, so I’ve prepared a few that will chill your friends to the bone. Because you’re a proud money geek, I’ve made sure that you can regale them with the most horrible financial stories ever told. I’m sure they’ll thank you….
Joe’s Horrifying Halloween Horror Stories
1) Rumor has it there once was a shopper hitting the stores just before closing, on a dark and rainy night. She was shopping early for the holidays….and she had no plan or budget!
2) My cousin once told this story in a graveyard, on top of a glowing headstone! There once was a shopper who had a credit card with an annual fee….and they ran up a balance! The interest rate….wait for it….was 18 percent! The horror!
3) One couple in a town near me shared that late at night, on an evening with a full moon, they suddenly heard a man out screaming in the street. When they went to help him they found the most unbelievable site….he had no estate plan!
4) I’ve heard that in a little town north of Seattle a man walked into a little bar just after midnight and the band immediately stopped playing. Everyone turned to stare at the guy because he only had large cap stock in his portfolio! Disgusting!
5) Finally (and I’ve saved the best for last), someone near Lake Champlain, NY was walking near the water’s edge when they saw something strange in the waves….it was a speedboat that a guy had used a 401k loan to purchase!
Wow. I’d keep going, but there are so many shivers running up my spine I can’t stand it. Maybe it’ll help things if I give something away, huh? Will that make your chills go away?
Trick or Treat Halloween Giveaway – 3 Chances to Win Cash
Cash! That’ll wake you up, huh? …and not a little cash: how about over three benjamins AND multiple chances to win!
That’ll buy a lot of Halloween costumes. Here’s the entry widget:
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Some details: Open Worldwide, Paid via PayPal, Terms and conditions are in the RaffleCopter widget, All entries in the RaffleCopter are optional
Holly Johnson
Another scary story:
Greg used to sell headstones at the first mortuary he worked at…. People would often pay for a headstone with a credit card. They didn’t want to leave the grave unmarked so they would put it on credit and make payments. (People often put 10K funerals on credit as well)
Isn’t that a weird thing to make payments on? I felt bad for them, of course, because it was out of necessity…but I always wished that they would’ve had life insurance instead.
That’s absolutely horrible! I can’t imagine having to finance a burial.
Talk about “buried in debt…..”
Okay, I’m done now.
Laurie @thefrugalfarmer
Our debt situation is one scary story right now, but we’re on our way out. 🙂
Then you head toward Thanksgiving!
Done by Forty
Ha! Those are funny.
I’ll reiterate: Our goal here, sir, is to keep Done by Forty entertained. If we do it well, the overlords who run this site have promised us a forty of our own.
Done by Forty
Matt @ momanddadmoney
Haha, no estate plan! Actually that’s a pretty serious one. If I was their kid, I would definitely be scared.
I don’t think people really realize what a horror story that is until it’s too late (and then they still don’t realize it!).