It’s time to get down and dirty! Did you think financial experts agree on everything? OG has his boxing gloves on for this episode because today we’re wrestling with topics financial experts can’t agree upon. Fighting with him today from the amazing podcast Afford Anything, we welcome Paula Pant, and from the compelling podcast Earn and Invest, (formerly What’s Up Next?), we’ll also say hello to the Doc G. It’s a great crew and we think you’ll love the conversation they discuss as they wrestle with today’s topics.
We know it’s fun to hang out in the basement, but Peak Money makes saving money look like fun no matter where you are! Today during our Friday FinTech segment, Joe will talk with Jonathan Yagel and Michael Brooks from Peak Money about how they’re able to help people save more money toward their goals. It’s an exciting journey that most of our listeners want to pursue. Who doesn’t want more money toward their next vacation? I rest my case.
And finally, during our Magnify Money segment, OG really hits it hard with the punches but Paula and Doc pick up the slack. They answer a question about what category a 401k savings plan should be in, when filling out a spreadsheet. Is it an expense or saving? We’ll get our team’s cracking answer on today’s show!
As always, of course we’ll quiz our contributors with Joe’s Mom’s neighbor Doug’s amazing trivia. How much did the first Barbie cost? It’s all exciting questions and answers on today’s show.
Show Notes:
<1:41> Today’s Topic:
Our Contributors
Paula Pant

Check Out Paula’s site and amazing podcast:
Follow Paula on Twitter: @AffordAnything

Check Out Doc G’s site and podcast at: Earn & Invest
Join Doc G’s podcast community here: Earn & Invest Facebook Group
You can keep up with the latest from Doc G on Twitter: @earnaninvest
Grab a copy of his book: Taking Stock: A Hospice Doctor’s Advice on Financial Independence, Building Wealth, and Living a Regret-Free Life

For more on OG and his firm’s page, click here.
<30:00> Peak Money

Michael Brooks the Chief Product Officer for Peak Money

Jonathan Yagel the Vice President for Peak Money
To get $20 for signing up for Peak follow these steps, and yes we will be checking:
- Sign up for the Stacker newsletter at
- Email with the subject line Money Party
<46:08> Doug’s Trivia
- How much did the first Barbie cost?
<51:43> Magnify Money Question
- We will be asking our panel if our Stacker friend should put money for retirement in the savings category or the expense category?
Join Us Monday!
Dave Mason will come down to the basement to talk to Joe and OG about his book The Cash Machine.
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