If you like our Kerbal Space Program “stages” analogy as much as we do, here are some resources to help you find the right resources for your mission.
Launch Pad
Stage One
Dave Ramsey
Suze Orman
David Bach
Stage Two
Ric Edelman
Jean Chatzky
Stage Three
Jim Cramer – Of all of the the Stage Three gurus, Cramer is the most entertaining…and I think it’s on purpose. He knows what he’s really selling. That doesn’t mean he’s not smart, though. Cramer moves individual positions when he talks about them on television. That’s not something many people can do.
Robert Kyosaki – While some of Kyosaki’s ideas are purely launch pad (understanding taxes and how items on the balance sheet work), I believe it’s better to understand the basics first and then it’s easier to grasp how Kyosaki is different).
The Motley Fool – I agree with the the Gardner brothers: you can get ahead much more quickly with stocks than with managed investments. However, I’ve seen enough investor behavior to know that you’ll require some emotional intelligence when the market drops like a rock to stick with these strategies.
Michael Gerber – If you’re going to start a business, Michael knows how to do it successfully. Whenever I read a business plan I use this book as a measuring stick. Does it meet the e-myth standard?