Hey [wlm_firstname]!
Welcome! We’re so glad you’re here.
We’ve made things easier by splitting this course into 12 lessons. Each lesson features a video and then accompanying homework.
Want to be successful with these lessons? DO THE HOMEWORK!
We’ve had people wander through the lessons, which is fine, but if you truly want to find your money’s worth, apply each lesson’s learnings immediately. Remember: you learn by doing, not by looking. Watch the video and you’ll remember these awesome strategies for about three hours (or if you’re Doug, about twenty-two seconds). If you apply the lessons, they’ll crawl into your subconscious and you’ll live them forever.
You’re in the self-paced course, so you can take these as slowly or as quickly as you’d like. However, don’t skip ahead! The lessons build on each other.
Okay, ready? Good. So are we. Here’s your first assignment: find a copy of your auto insurance policy, and click the banner for lesson one to get started.
Please let us know if you have any questions.
Come back to this page to check on your progress — it’ll be satisfying to see the “percent complete” progress bar move:
Click here to log in if you’re not logged in already.
[wpcourse_progress /]
[wpcourse course=”1″ module_desc=”true” show_title=”true” show_desc=”true” /]