We'll be covering a host of topics. For starters, a Russian billionaire has had his yacht parked in front of the Statue of Liberty for MONTHS to avoid thousands of dollars in docking fees. Is he …
The Sordid History of Credit Companies (with Dr. Josh Lauer)
Ever wonder about the credit companies that seem to know everything about you? Now, although fair credit reporting laws exist, people STILL complain about unfair and outdated credit, but according to …
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Ways To Fortify Against The Next Crash (with an intro to Roofstock)
What should you do if you expect the market to crash? We ask our roundtable panel that very question today, including the woman behind the blog Mama Fish Saves, Chelsea. We also talk about side …
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Betting “The House” on Your Goals (with The House director Andrew J. Cohen)
Ever wonder what happens if you don't save enough money for college? Well, Will Ferrell and Amy Poehler didn't, and the result is the new hit movie The House. Director Andrew J. Cohen stops by to talk …
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Financial Independence? Retire Early? Game on!
Excited about an aggressive retirement? Even if you're only mildly interested in the topic of financial independence, today's guest is going to light a FIRE under your plans. The Mad Fientist joins us …
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Juggling Money, Work and Family (SB Rewind 60)
Griffin takes us back to a classic from a year ago... We’re all professional jugglers. We juggle a career or school, family duties, friendships, and somehow also manage money. How do we effectively …
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